Nothing, IMHO, is more daunting than writing and publishing your first artist newsletter. In my previous life as a teacher, writing classroom newsletters was relatively easy - one had the students to rely on for subject matter/content, and it was all about them. How different it is to write a newsletter about oneself! Now it is completed, and sent to my client lists, and I feel a little bit empowered. I'm also relieved that the hurdle has been cleared, for better or worse. The next one should be a little easier.
The painting above is 'Hallelujah(L.Cohen)' 40" X 30", oil/cold wax on canvas. I'll be submitting it to the John M Parrott Art Gallery's 8th juried exhibition next week. The theme is 'Music as Muse'. I hope Leonard will approve. I often listen to his CD's while I'm painting. My photo editing programme Picassa has gone rogue, so I was unable to crop this photo. It's going to take some time to get it under control again.
Website: www.barbarachappelle.com Blog: http://catsartravel.blogspot.com
Email: b_citta@yahoo.ca Facebook Fan Page
Welcome Art-Lovers,
With this monthly newsletter, I plan to let you know of upcoming events in my art world, and share art ideas, techniques, and connections with other artists. You are invited to comment/reply to any article, and if at any time you do not wish to receive the newsletter, just click ‘reply’ and let me know - I will completely understand and respect your wishes.
Gallery 121
June begins with my first solo member exhibition at Gallery 121 in Belleville. The Gallery is located at 48 Bridge St. E (613 962 4609), next door to Dinkle’s Restaurant and Courtyard. The exhibition will run from June 1 to July 10, and the Opening Reception is June 5th from 3 to 5 pm.
I have returned to working in oil paint, after a long hiatus. And, I have discovered a new medium: cold wax, which allows me to use oil paint in a layered, translucent way. I look forward to seeing you at the opening on Sat., June 5 to share thoughts about my new work.
Oak Hills Studio Tour
I am excited to be part of the Oak Hills Studio Tour this spring, at the studio of painter Donna Bonin. Dates are Sat. and Sun., May 29 & 30, and June 5 & 6 from 10 am to 5 pm. Donna invited me to show my clay work at her beautiful property, and I am delighted with the space she has for me. In addition to my clay sculptural pieces, I will be showing some of our functional pottery(from Deer Creek Pottery). For more information and a map, visit www.oakhillsstudiotour.ca . It will be a beautiful tour of artists and artisans working in Hastings County.
Friends of Bon Echo Park, 15th Art Exhibition and Sale
Once again, I will be happy to be part of the annual show and sale of original Canadian art, with paintings, clay sculpture and pottery, all on a theme of Canadian nature, and “dedicated to preserving the natural and cultural heritage of Bon Echo Provincial Park”(from the mission statement of the Friends of Bon Echo Park). The Exhibition is for 3 days, July 23, 24, 25 and is always a glorious event in a beautiful park glade, with majestic shade trees. Come see the art and spend the day. For more information, visit
www.mazinaw.on.ca/fobecho and click on Art Exhibit and Sale. Here is the latest news release from the Friends of Bon Echo:
News Release
May 12, 2010
The Friends of Bon Echo Park will host the 15th Bon Echo Art Exhibition and Sale on July 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Mazinaw Lake and the Rock at Bon Echo have captivated artists for hundreds of years. Aboriginal Peoples left many pictographs on the Mazinaw Rock which are still visible today. The rugged Canadian Shield and the magnificent white pines captured on canvas by the Group of Seven brought attention to the area as an inspiring destination. Today artists using a variety of media are creating interpretations of our uniquely beautiful Canadian landscapes.
West Wings, Stirling
Currently, I have 11 smaller paintings in oil/cold wax, mixed media, and acrylic hanging at West Wings, 14 West Front Street, Stirling, ON. (Phone: 613 395 0990). This funky bookshop/coffee shop has expanded, and carries a variety of gift items and a clothing shop. Well worth a visit - and the coffee is heavenly.
Juried Show - Belleville Public Library - “Music as Muse”
The John M Parrott Art Gallery, Belleville will be holding their juried show “Music as Muse” from June 10 to July 15, 2010. The jurying is open to all Quinte area artists and all forms of media, so it is always an exciting show. I’ll be submitting 2 pieces, with fingers crossed. Juried shows are an important part of any artist’s schedule, not just for the recognition, but for the critique after the jurying. Curator Susan Holland and her team always design an exciting show. I hope to be part of it again this year.
…and this just in…
Yesterday, I had a pleasant visit with Andrew Innes and his partner Don at our studio. They are owners of Round the Bend Gallery just outside Picton in Prince Edward County. Andrew will be the guest artist at Gallery 121 in June/July. Deer Creek Pottery has been invited to exhibit some of our clay pieces and functional pottery in their gallery, to be delivered by June 10.
A busy month ahead - how lucky we are! Please drop by for a visit at the studio if you are traveling in Centre Hastings. It’s sometimes a good idea to call ahead at 613 473 2200, in case we’re digging in the gardens, and for directions, just north of Belleville, Ontario. Or by chance, anytime.
Best regards,
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