Manoeuvring a 48" X 36" canvas into my teeny workspace is a challenge, but I like creating large, so I just make it work as best as possible. At some point, I'll take it outside (weather permitting), or lay it on the dining table and work flat, then bring it back horizontal. Maybe I'll turn it clockwise or counterclockwise a few times.....

Close-ups of some areas, but they will be gone tomorrow. I have no fear of 'slaying the children' - metaphorically speaking, of course.
These thin layers of oil paint with cold wax medium will be completely covered with the next layers. The wax aids the paint in setting up, so I'm less likely to get mud with the next go at it, I hope. Everything is at the intuitive stage at this point - just playing with colour and loose shapes and relationships. Is that a figure emerging in the upper right? Mmmm.....