The United Way celebrated their 50th year Gala a while ago, and Belleville Arts Association members were asked to donate 50 pieces of artwork for their fundraising draw. It was quite a night, and although I was not able to attend (at another art show in Napanee), reports indicate that everyone had a great time, and significant funds were raised through the draw. My submission was a smoke-fired sculpture, the first this year. I really need to get more sculpture work done, as I am constantly asked for this kind of art. Hopefully the flooding in our basement studio will be cleared up this week and we can get back to our clay work. My partner in clay-crime is chomping at the bit, and sweeping out water, so we're almost ready to get back to production. Needless to say, our studio conditions for the pottery are, shall we say, primitive. Onward and upward...Spring is here.
The sculpture, "Sanctuary", is comprised of 2 figures that sit on a piece of granite that I got from my friend Steve Smith who is a sculptor for Campbell Monuments. He was kind enough to take me through their "rubble" yard and I scrounged a few good hunks.

I smoked the figures in my small bin, as there were only 2 parts - and the weather was still cold outside so I wasn't into digging the snow out of the meter and a half deep pit. Brr. I'm getting to be a real wimp.
Computer-wise, I've be fooling around with document size, etc. to see if I can get photos to load faster. We live rurally, and are on dialup, still. No end of technical frustration sometimes. I can see that I need to work on my computer skills. I have some computer workshops coming up in the near future, so I'm looking forward to some real improvement in my knowledge of things technical.